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It’s National Clean Off Your Desk Day!

Although chaos seems to surround us, we can tidy our work area. Take control of your desk, whether it’s in a cubicle, office, or kitchen. Start the year on an organized, productive note—despite it all!

To tackle your desk and beyond, contact Able Cleaning or 877-225-3253.

Able Cleaning’s Approach to a Clean Desk

  1. Remove objects from your desktop.
  2. Wipe surface and objects with a slightly damp microfiber cloth. Follow care instructions specific to your electronics.
  3. Replace only essentials like your planner, pens, coffee mug. Minimize knickknacks and clutter.
  4. Shred or recycle old documents. File loose papers or capture electronically.
  5. Sanitize your keyboard, mouse, and phone.
  6. Greet the day’s work with a clear mind!

Now, if only there was a quick way to toss all those inkless pens.


(Image by Sachu Sanjayan from Pixabay.)

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