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Serving the Northeast and Florida since 1980
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It’s the Great American Smokeout

Today, millions of smokers will abandon cigarettes. Hopefully, this will be their start to a healthier, cleaner lifestyle. Join them. Support them. Put out your smokes!

#DidYouKnow smoking doesn’t only pollute your lungs? It pollutes the environment, inside and outside. When smoking was more prevalent in public, Able Cleaning was tasked with ridding buildings of its lingering odor and wall stains. Outdoors, cigarette smoke increases toxic wastes and deforestation. Now more than ever, we need to protect our lungs and our world.

Visit the American Cancer Society for more lifesaving advice.

Able is ready for your toughest cleaning job. Call now: 1-877-225-3253.

(Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay.)

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