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Quick Cleanup Routine

Follow these quick, easy cleanup tricks. There won’t be any excuse to procrastinate cleaning. And that’s a good thing in a pandemic!

  • Tidy up in advance. When a cleanup is on your agenda, clear away clutter during breaks beforehand. The area will be clear and ready to clean.

    Prep by clearing clutter.

  • Wipe down surfaces to be disinfected first so cleanser can sit for the time required to eliminate germs.
  • Revisit any disinfected areas that need a final wipe down with water before use (for example, food surfaces).
  • Toss expired or spoiled food from the fridge.
  • Line trash cans with plastic bags. Liners contain the mess, empty easier, and reduce scrubbing. Spray empty trash bins with disinfectant. Bonus: Toss a few empty bags at the bottom before adding the new one. You’ll be ready with the next replacement.
  • For future ease: Store cleaning supplies together in central locations. If possible, have a carryall on each floor of your home or offices. Don’t forget to include a good set of rubber gloves to protect your hands!

    Have supplies ready.

Make routine clean-ups convenient. The only thing easier is a quick call to Able Cleaning: 1-877-225-3253.

(Images by BC Y, Steve Buissinne, and Michi-Nordlicht from Pixabay.)

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